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Pastoral Care

Everything we do at Harrow New York is underpinned by a robust system of pastoral care that places the safety and wellbeing of every student firmly at its center.

We believe in working collaboratively with families to support our students - guiding, directing, consoling and nurturing, as well as intervening more significantly in times of need.

Just as importantly, our focus on collaboration and community, along with our comprehensive program of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education, equip our students with the skills and resources to navigate their lives beyond Harrow New York, to face head-on the challenges they will encounter and consistently to strive to be the best possible version of themselves.

Student sitting on blue couch and laughing
Assistant House Master guiding student


The Pastoral Support Committee ensures consistency of pastoral care across the School and leads a coordinated response in cases of more significant pastoral need. Students also have access to the School Counselors and Peer Mentors, as well as many opportunities to influence the School’s approach through formal channels for student voice, such as dedicated Pastoral, DEI, Food and ICT Committees, House Councils and an annual survey covering all aspects of School life.

The PSHE curriculum is spiral in nature, meaning that topics are revisited and developed over time, delivered in age-appropriate formats that develop their treatment of each topic as students move through the School. 

Developed and overseen by a full-time Head of Department, PSHE lessons are delivered by Tutors, meaning that students follow this vital part of the curriculum with the staff members who know them best.

In addition to the formal PSHE curriculum, all students benefit from regular Tutor time, which offers a less structured environment in which to discuss matters of the moment, or simply to check in.